Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Good Times

This past week has been SO FUN! I went to the only winning Jazz game of the series (darn that Jazz, they break my heart every year!), has an Arrested Development/Ear Candle party, preformed in our choir dessert show, saw Marcus and went to Wicked! It's been ever so busy...and of course I have taken pictures all along the way. If you haven't tried Ear Candles, you should. I didn't do it that night, but it seems like it cleans super well. I shall try it ... one day.

Working hard all semester really paid off. I think that we sounded fan-freakin-tastic! This year we sang in a CES Fireside, Saturday afternoon Conference and this dessert show. It was super fun...but I am SO glad that it is over and I have my Wednesday nights free again! Yeah!

Saturday night we went and saw the comedian Marcus. I've seen a few of his shows and he NEVER disappoints. If you get the chance to see it! And he is even easy on the eyes! This show was particularly good because there was one person who didn't think a joke was funny and tried to get in a fight with Marcus! I few pushes from security and he was kicked out of the show. Poor Michael J know that we are laughing with you, not at you!

I didn't get pictures at Wicked...but it was AWESOME! I liked the Elphaba in this production more than the other one that I saw. The actress played Elphaba was the young Cosette in the ORIGINAL cast of Les Mis. She was SO good. I always enjoy Broadway, especially Wicked...and I LOVE seeing it with people that are watching it for the first time. Everyone needs to try and find tickets before they leave.

All in all...great weekend! What's in store this weekend, you may ask?

1 comment:

*Brittany* said...

I'm so sad that I wasn't able to perform with you at the Dessert show! So so sad. I'm actually crying right now as I write this. I was there in spirit though! I'm excited to see Wolverine tomorrow night. Viewing sexy men (Hugh Jackman & Ryan Renolds) late at night... What could be better? Well, maybe actually physically being on them, but hey... Can't complain!